Thursday, November 1, 2012

It's heartbreak all over again.

I saw a picture of a happy couple with a preggy wifey and my mood shifted to the lowest level of sadness. I can't get their smiles out of my head. I can feel self-pity sneeking up on me. Great. Again I'm reminded of the past. I'm reminded of the pain and the disappointment.

It's funny how a person can get stuck in the heart. No matter how much time has passed, how many other persons have occupied the same space emptied, there is always that void that stays. There is always that same someone, staying stuck in the heart and in the mind.

I wonder what makes someone that special or just that different enough. Level of pain experienced? Extent of happiness shared? Amount of broken dreams?

I don't know.

I've often wondered, what made him different from the rest? He wasn't my longest relationship. He wasn't my extreme pain. He wasn't my deepest happiness. He wasn't my first. He wasn't my last.

But he was the reason I took up law. And he was my longest pain. Maybe those are the reasons why he became my recurring heartache, even years later.

I don't know.


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Thursday, October 25, 2012

I love the rain and the cold weather that the bagyo is bringing, except that my nephew peed on my bed last night and I can't lay the foam out to dry. Smell is lovely, too, the rain not the pee.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Starlight Star Bright

I wish he gets the job. I wish my brother's business booms. I wish papa goes home safe. I wish mama comes home every once in a while. I wish my sister in law passes the 2012 bar. I wish my other sister in law finds her proper spot in the business. I wish my other brother finds a good job. I wish my other brother gets accepted in a good college course. I wish my nephews and niece grow to be better persons. I wish my sister gets her good health back. I wish my brother in law gets the promotion he's been working for. I wish I get a permanent and good-paying job.

Is it time for wishes?

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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hajj 2012

Papa arrived safely in Mecca today. Alhamdulillah. I hope he takes good care of his health and prays that I find a good man at last (haha). I hope he comes back home safe.

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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Constantly Waiting

I have said no to jobs offered. I have declined help extended. Just because I have a specific career path in mind. Because I fear I am inadequate to handle any job other than what I have in mind.

What am I doing? There might come a time when no one would extend help and guidance anymore because I often said no.

Today, I let someone know that I would not follow his recommendation to teach accounting subjects. I felt like I would do a bad job because I didn't have enough accounting background. Although my highest score in the bar was in Taxation Law, I knew that I would do a bad job should I teach Tax 1 to accounting students. Although my second highest score in the bar was in Commercial Laws, I would not be qualified to teach Business Law 1 to accounting students. The teaching approach would be different, students would learn almost nothing from me. I'd be a so-so teacher.

N.B. Although I wanted to be an accountant back in high school, I took Civil Engineering in college. I only had Math 17, 41, 61 and 81 in college, and no accounting subject.

Although it would be great to add a regular faculty's salary to my dwindling atm, I chose not to pursue the path.

I am waiting for a job that will be a no-brainer.

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Monday, October 15, 2012

Another One Of Those Cousins

CONGRATULATIONS TO ABDULLAH "BONG" FOR PASSING THE CPA BOARD EXAMINATION GIVEN THIS MONTH. I am a proud first cousin. No doubt, "It's in the genes, pare." :-)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

I should post a summmary of my short stint at DOT-ARMM. One of these days I should.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Can I make a prayer? Not this year, please? The timing would suck and I wouldn't be able to afford it. I know that it's high time for it to happen, for change to come, but please, not this year. Not when I've much to lose. Please? PLEASE, ya Allah.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Class Schedule for Next Semester

Election Laws
   Fri/Sat 5-6 pm

Public Corporation
   Fri/Sat 3-4 pm

Legal Ethics
   Wed 5-6 pm
   Sat 4-5 pm

*first time to teach law. excited much?*

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

So it's final. I am resigning. :(

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Tuesday, September 11, 2012


So papa has decided to have me resign from DOT-ARMM. I'm soon to be part of the unemployed statistics. I don't know what to feel. I've long wanted to go home and stay in Marawi for good. But will resigning by the end of the month be good for me?

Do I have career options?

I want to teach at MSU College of Law.

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Sunday, September 9, 2012

I'm supposed to contact Atty. Moslem, but I can't find the courage. What do I say?

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Monday, September 3, 2012

Shall I promise to myself that this is going to be my last online purchase this month? I wish I could keep my promises. This attitude is going to be the death of me. Or the death of my wallet. Grrrrrr...

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Confused Not

I'm about to make a decision that I might regret later. Who's going to stop me? I certainly can't stop myself :(  This is the bad side of having too much idle time. Likewise the bad side of days after payday, da palm itches.

Now I'm asking myself if I am making the right decision. As if the thought that I am making a mistake is able to change my mind. Though I'm confused, I know what the end result will be.

Such a hardhead.

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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Not Meant To Be

Some things are meant to be, some things are just not meant to be.

Lately, I'd been feeling like I didn't deserve to have passed the bar, that the title was lost on me, in fact I imagined being capable of selling it to the highest bidder if only that was allowed by the Supreme Court. Sayang lang ang pagiging lawyer ko, I hadn't made good use of it some say. But passing the bar on my first take was meant to be, for my parents, so it had to happen, thank God.

But you and me, "we", are part of the just-not-meant-to-be's. You are not my "destine aken", :-) for fate itself seems to be saying so. It is a blessing to know this early. Although it feels frustrating to feel this lost, some day I will learn to accept things that I cannot change. :-)

Yesterday, my mind was filled with questions. Why? Why not? What happened? But if there's one thing that I'm sure of, it is the change that I feel inside me. I feel like I've changed enough for something better. And I guess that change was meant to happen, sooner or later.

"You and me" is a lost cause. Learn to accept that. Same as my winning the Lotto jackpot, some things are just not meant to be.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

One of Those Cousins

Congratulations to SALAHUDDIN for passing the 2012 Nursing Licensure Exam given on July 2012. I am a proud first cousin. :-)

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Fertilizing the road less traveled from Cotabato City to Marawi City.

Isn't it unfair how men are able to pee anywhere but women are not, how women have to endure more than men?

Pass the RH bill! (haha. no connect.)

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Goodbye Ramadhan

So today's the last day of Ramadhan.

I had a hard time surviving days of fasting, partly because I was away from home, and partly because of weak health.

There was abnormal spurt of work at the office, too, because the office spearheaded/oversaw the month-long activities at the ARMM compound. During the latter part of the month, I had a hard time in finding joy in the late nights and overtime. Maybe because I was missing home a little too much.

Suhor and iftar in Cotabato City were different than what I was used to at home in Marawi City. I self-pitied a few times while eating as I would compare the food, the time of eating, and the companions.

At home, at 5:30 pm, the table would already be laid out with food, sometimes humble, sometimes aplenty. My siblings and I would then be already seated at the round table, gamely waiting for the call of prayer.

In Cotabato City, we could not even hear the call of prayer at the dining table area. The rice would be cooked after the call of prayer because my housemates usually eat dinner after 7pm, usually at 8pm. They break the fast usually with lugaw or bread. I was used to breaking the fast with a full dinner.

I am not going to miss the late nights either. More often, we had to stay at the Ramadhan trade fair almost until midnight, with nothing to do but wait. All part of the job.

So as I say goodbye to Ramadhan, I say goodbye to late nights and self-pity. Although I have learned to love this job and the people that I work with, it feels good to say goodbye to certain aspects of my experiences.

Goodbye, Ramadhan, and I hope to experience you again next year. Thank you for making me remember yet again the value of family and religion.

Happy eid!

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You blow my mind with your experience. You seem to have gone through every dream, fantasy and nightmare that I had. As to how these will affect the future, that's what scares me. I have an inkling that these will not be to anyone else's benefit but yours.

Fear boxes me in. And I want it to remain that way. I want to stay within the limits that I forced myself with. It is tempting to break free, yes, but it could only be detrimental to me if I do so these days.

I often imagine how it would be. But as with a few things in life, some thoughts are best left to the imagination and left unrealized.

Yes, things are better this way. The future can only be more secure this way.

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And The Point Is

I like where this is going. The way things are, what do I need that thing that I've been craving for weeks for? Things are going just as smooth as they should, this-thing-wise, I guess.

So my weird therapy may continue. Thanks to a little googling.

Now if only I can find an alternative for that thing that they call instant.

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Friday, August 17, 2012

Stupidity dot com

What have I done? I made the mistake again. Why do I keep on making the same mistakes over and over again? Am I that stupid? Am I that desperate?

Seems I am.

How can I get myself out of this crazy situation? I want out. This should not be it already.

Someone please save me from my destructive self.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Do You Know Where

It's irritating to see other people vocally display their career paths. I see myself in comparison and I always come lacking. It feels selfish not to feel happiness over a person's intended and expected success when I myself am the only one to blame for mine and the lack of it. But I can't help it.

I wish to have other people's passion for success. I wish to be more than this. This feeling sucks. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Crying Inside

I'm sick. It's Niyata, and I want to be home in Marawi City. But unless I resign, I cannot absent myself from work because of too much pressing needs for the Ramadhan 2012 activities. I feel like crying. My nose is stuffed. My body feels heavy. I absof'ckinlutely feel sick.

I pity myself.

Monday, July 16, 2012

A Date I Need

It's less than a week until Ramadhan. Maybe it's high time for me to draft a change in me, in a spiritual kind of shift. I need to find guidance. I need to find myself and I need to know where I should be going. I need a date with Fate. Maybe Fate has forgotten that I exist and that I need intricate planning and massive help. Maybe I need to remind Fate that I am lost, old and lost, definitely unguided and lost, simply lost.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Excuses and Lots of Them

There are moments (lots of them) when I fear change, and yet there are moments when I look and hope for change. This is of the latter kind.

If I don't start treading on the path that I am "supposed" and "expected" to go, when will I? I fear that with the time I'm staying on this career path, I will slowly lose my "future".

I want to punish myself for being this afraid, this shallow, this uncertain.

When will I learn to accept that I am my own captain, that I control what my future will be, and that the more I stay on this path, the more I'm losing myself, my education, my brain.

I take for granted what others covet. I disregard a choice that many would love to have. As friends had asked me, "Bakit ka pa pumasa ng Bar Exam gayong wala ka namang planong maging Lawyer?" True. I am wasting a four-letter word. I am slowly wasting.

I am afraid of taking a single step away from where I am. I am afraid of leaking out of my current comfort zone. I have a lot of excuses, when I should be handing out application letters or talking to the "right people" for a "career change". I haven't done what I should have done. I haven't tried when I should have at least tried. I fear for my inadequacies, I stray from my own expectations.

My family is frustrated, the people around me remain baffled.

Ah, Change, please, force yourself into my life.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ain't No Good In Goodbyes

The boss said that I can start looking for another job which will fit my achievement. It made me sad. I am not good with goodbyes, and just thinking about future goodbyes is making me sad today.

I would love to work in the field of law. But I am not ready for the shift yet. I am afraid of being incompetent at it, as I know that I will initially be.

A change is not welcome at the moment. I need training first. I initially asked around yesterday for free OJT in any legal work as I would love to be trained for free. I would love to do another lawyer's job for free, if only to gain knowledge and how-to's. But where would I find a lawyer who is willing to transfer much-guarded secrets?

I fear change!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

My plans of going out this afternoon to photocopy some papers were washed away by the pouring rain. Ah, I love this side of Marawi City. I love the rain in its totality. Soft music + glass window + pouring rain + coffee = bliss. This is absolutely it already.
I should photocopy my credentials today. I should buy a Personal Data Sheet in Bangolo. I should update my CV today.

I need to buy a hard plastic long folder. I need to get a TIN and a PTR. I need to get my ass off this bed.

I should arrange my room today.

Ah, the things I need to do today.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Just finished watching Til My Heartaches End (Kim & Gerard) in Channel 2. Depressing movie. It reminded me of the foolish and desperate me. Ah, the things I did for love, the unmatched stupidity, the utter lack of self-respect.

It is true, though, that there will come a point in a person's life when the past hurt will be just that -- the past -- something to reminisce and smile about.

These days, I can smile in wonder at my plain stupidity the past years. :)
I feel stupid. I feel so useless after 2 weeks of idleness.

Don't get me wrong, I love the feeling of being stupid. *wink* In fact, this form of idleness could continue a few days more, and I'd love it still.

I like being this alone and idle. Hand me a bowl of fruits and a wired laptop, and I'm good to go. I could spend hours just doing basically nothing. I definitely am at my best when I am wasting my time.


Now I'm Broke(n) and I'm Lonesome

People expect lawyers to be rich. Friends expect me to not be broke.

Passing the Bar did not automatically open for me an unlimited bank account, not even an unguaranteed loan. The Supreme Court gave me mere four letters and a period (ATTY.), not a hundred million pesos (100,000,000.00 Php!).

So if you think I've money to spend, twitart, you're just as delusional as me. And I'm just as broke as the next bloke!

Social Caterpillar

Social obligations have been starting to arrive, but I am not able to fulfill them just yet. I want to, I just can't, not today, not this instant.

I will ready myself for the next time. Financially. Physically. Mentally. Ms. Ready.

Today, I just can't attend the wedding. Reasons? No Pond's cream. No foundation powder. No make-up. They're in Cotabato. No shoes. No formal dress. They're not bought yet. I don't have a ready supply of clothes to wear for different formal occasions because I used to NOT attend any before. (And it seems I still don't!)

Next week, I just can't be at cousins' double graduation. I can't attend a friend's Kandori (although I gave my word). I will be in Cotabato by then.

I would like to be able to do more. I wish I could do more for other people, especially for the family.

Next time owm!

I Can't, Can I?

I am satisfied of the present. I want to stay in my current job. I am afraid of working in another job. But I want a higher pay.

They want me to expand my horizon. They want me to explore greener pastures. They are excited at the prospect of my working in another job. They want me to experience career challenges. They want me to have a higher pay.

Compromise arrives at higher pay. :)

Things do get complicated these days.

I am not excited for myself. They are. I am afraid of taking in more responsibility. They are not.

What do I do? I don't think I am capable of doing more. :(

Friday, April 6, 2012

When I was still a law student, I downloaded many notes and reviewers online. I downloaded lectures, too. I frequented blogs and forums so that I could find sources. I didn't get to study or listen to most of them, not even during formal review, but I kept them for my peace of mind. :) I ended up with gigabytes of reviewers and lectures in my laptop.

Since I don't need these anymore, I need to clear up the space in my hard disk, sayang din. I don't have a backup external hard drive (I can't afford one!) so instead I'm uploading my files to 4shared. :) I hope that these files can be of help to some other person someday.

When kaya ako matatapos mag-upload at such a slow speed? :)

Thursday, April 5, 2012


What a huge collection of books that I want to read :)

eBooks (arranged by authors)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Mother got home from the province. Tsismis to the max! What a
complicated family she has. :)
tsismisically, my first work check, for January 2012, had already been released in Cotabato. Pay for work undone. yey. I'm loving work already.

So Sick

I've been sickly for a week now. It started the day I got back in Cotabato after spending a week in Manila. Normally, I don't fret over cough and fever, but this bout has been long enough, I fear I might never get back to my usual self. I've taken different meds already. But I haven't gone for a check up yet, hopefully it doesn't get to that point. I'm afraid of doctors. :)
piskot. I can't fix my mobile blogger to fit 2 gmail accounts. to da brink. to da brink!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Oath Taking and Signing the Roll of Attorneys 101

For bar passers next year who will have no one to consult regarding these things, or will be too shy to consult anyone regarding these. :)


  • RENT TOGA FOR THE OATH TAKING AT THE GATE OF THE SUPREME COURT RIGHT AFTER PROCESSING YOUR CLEARANCE. Do not rent as a “PROBINSYANA”, the price will be twice higher due to the deposit, write down a city address. (The rented toga is “titoron” so you may have yours made by your mananahi. The cloth will not matter, not even the pleating design, just the color - black.) I haven’t returned my rented toga yet.

  • WEAR STURDY AND COMFORTABLE SHOES FOR THE OATH TAKING. Mine never made it out of the PICC Plenary Hall, good thing I had backup flats hidden somewhere. 

  • DO NOT BRING FOOD, NOT EVEN CANDIES/MINTS. Not allowed inside the hall, you won’t even get them back after leaving them with the guards. I had to throw away mini chocolates and mints.

  • DO NOT BRING CAMERA/CELLPHONE/ELECTRONIC DEVICES. Not allowed inside the hall (unless you’re a Congresswoman or something). There’s strict inspection at the entrance.BRING CASH. There’s picture-taking at dollars’ cost.

  • GO INSIDE THE HALL RIGHT AFTER HAVING YOUR PICTURE TAKEN. RESERVE A SEAT. Because Attorneys Rikki, Annie, Hej and I were busy tsismaxing and came in only minutes before the event started, we had a hard time looking for seats and had to seat ourselves separately. Lesson: Tsismax inside the hall, when seated, not prior. You won’t enjoy the event when you’re seated with strangers.

  • BE VERY EARLY. PICK A GOOD SEAT WITH A GOOD VIEW. Chances of being seen in TV Patrol will increase. :) You will have lots of pictures to claim, too. Me, I only had 2 pictures, those taken outside the hall.

  • TAKE LOADS OF PICTURES OUTSIDE. DO NOT ENTERTAIN THE MERCHANDISE/SELLERS OUTSIDE. Ribbons/corsages will not be needed. Uncle insisted on buying me one, so I had to wear it. :)


  • THE SIGNING IN THE ROLL OF ATTORNEYS IS AN IMPORTANT EVENT. BRING YOUR LOVED ONES WITH YOU FOR THE PICTURE-TAKING. When I went to the Old Supreme Court Building for the Signing, I went alone. Everyone else had his family with him. I had to call my father and ask him to come immediately, good thing we were staying within a walking distance from the Supreme Court.

  • BRING CAMERA DURING THE SIGNING. Picture-taking is allowed, even during the signing itself. I didn’t have a digicam with me, not even a camera phone.

  • YOU MAY WEAR CORPORATE ATTIRE. I saw a lady lawyer (Atty. Mastura) wearing a female fitted Barong and slacks, she looked so dashing in it.BRING CASH. Photographs for sale at dollars’ cost.

N.B. Request for your IBP ID at the IBP national office in Ortigas, claimable after a few minutes. Request for your Certification/Good Standing/Scores at the OBC, claimable after a few weeks.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

true to my estimate, my highest score during the bar exams was in TAXATION LAW... next was COMMERCIAL LAW, then POLITICAL LAW, then CRIMINAL LAW, then CIVIL LAW, then REMEDIAL LAW.. and I failed in LABOR LAW, only got 74.1667% :-) my total average is.... secret.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Chronicles of Analia: HOW I PREPARED FOR THE 2011 BAR EXAM

The months after graduation -- December 2010 to March 2011 -- I spent in hiatus in Cagayan de Oro, getting over a broken soul. In between cries and bouts of depression, I searched the internet for printable reviewers and for tips on how to pass MCQ exams (researched on US/California bar exams, too).  (The common grounds that I found applicable to me were: no need to memorize, but read comprehensively; study the convergence and divergence of laws; improve logic; and learn to think quickly with time pressure.) I didn’t study during those 4 months, and I didn’t enroll in advance review class either. I simply wasted my time. I healed my heart. =)

My formal review started on April 2011. I deactivated my Facebook account and changed all of my cellphone numbers. I started on a clean slate.

Because I had with me lots of books and printed reviewers (which I ended up not using at all), I went to Manila by Superferry. I traveled alone and arrived in Manila on April 2, 2011. I spent the first week settling in, and going around Recto, mapping out the neighborhood eating places. I lived and roamed the streets alone for a month.

Before classes started, I organized my books/reviewers by subject, and I marked clear envelopes by subject to put notes in. I printed big monthly calendars and chronicled every experience, wrote down every cent sent by the parents (I used the financial support as my “pressure” – I wasted money in CDO, I wasn’t about to waste money again). I marked the days I went to review class, the days I skipped class, the days I did any reading, the days I didn’t, the days I spent at the mall, the days I got sick.

I bought loads of review materials, from books to pencils to lecture notebooks to a Parker fountain pen. I made sure that I had everything that I needed to have and more. I bought a PSP and an iPod. I installed “intelligent” logic games in the PSP (I deleted the distracting games), and put 2007/2010 taped lectures in the iPod (I got the taped lectures from Taz and Rayray – thank you). When I got bored, I’d play Sudoku and logic puzzles. I tried to improve my handwriting by writing my thoughts/journal in Grade 2 pad papers (My handwriting improved a bit after a few months – my O’s got rounder). I used different pens to see which would fit me better. I asked friends to judge my handwriting, too. (I ended up using 0.5 blue Pilot V5 pens for the last Sunday – but the exam papers’ surface turned out to be rough, a Uni felt-tip pen would have been perfect for me instead of the V5.)

I bought and read “BAR BLUES or Everything You Want To Know About The Bar Exams But Are Too Busy To Ask”.

I bought a Class Record (that thingy that teachers used), and mapped out the bar subjects, wrote down my available resources per subject/topic, so that I could choose which book or reviewer to use for a topic/subject and which lecture to listen to, and I could track down how much I’d finished studying already, and I’d know what material to use for pre-week.

I printed practice MCQ answer sheets, and I took a lot of practice timed MCQ tests by myself (and I failed in almost every one of them). I chronicled every practice MCQ test that I took in the Class Record. I reverse-engineered my MCQ scores and wrote down notes on my weaknesses and the reasons why I got the answers wrong. I made my own evaluations: ex. – “I overlooked an important detail in the question – answered too fast” or “in Corpo, I need to know the reason behind the numbers and enumerations, so that I can remember them!”

I attended most of April’s classes (in Commercial Law – because I found the lectures interesting). I had Sir Moslem, Sir Yusoph, Sir Basari, Sir Metmug, and Sir M. Muti to thank for a good-enough Commercial Law background. But I had a nosebleed when it came to SEC law, though. Everything was new; I had a hard time understanding the lectures, even through context.

For Commercial Law, I mainly used San Beda’s 2010 memory aid (xeroxed) and wrote lecture notes at the back pages. I incorporated everything into it, as I’d already planned to use the same for pre-week review. I bought Business Law books for CPA review (which cost a lot less than law books), and studied Corpo and Nego, the CPA review way. Other than a few pages of Sundiang (for Special Commercial Laws), I didn’t read any other reviewer, not a page of Miravite, Villanueva, Co-Untian, etc., and I did not use a codal. I practiced on CPA board sample MCQ exams, too.

I listened to taped lectures of Balmes, Riano, Abella and V.Castro.

I listened to taped lectures in the mall, while in transport, while walking to class, while eating, while washing clothes, before going to sleep, etc. – I had sensitive ears, so I drowned out the noise of Recto and Manila by listening to taped lectures; and I listened to Mozart and Beethoven while I studied – Baroque/Classical was my “study mode” playlist.

I followed the review school’s schedule when I studied, and I didn’t mix subjects. If the lecture for the month was Commercial Law, I only read Commercial Law. I didn’t do advance reading.

For the first San Sebastian/Baste Mock Bar exam (in Commercial Law), I only got a 70% score (72% if the bonus was counted) -- a failing grade. The score gave me a severe headache and it traumatized me, as I’d previously thought that I was at my best in Commercial Laws. I cried in frustration over that failing grade. AND I NEVER TOOK ANY BASTE MOCK BAR EXAM AGAIN.

Civil Law lectures started in May, and I started to skip a lot of classes. I didn’t attend most lectures, especially because they involved Navarro and Aligada, both as potent as sleeping pills to me. I didn’t want to waste effort on sitting perfectly in class when my mind wouldn’t absorb anything anyway. (I usually sat by my lonesome self in the front row of one of the TV rooms – to get a better view of the lecturer because of my bad eyesight. No matter who the lecturer was, if I felt sleepy, I’d leave. I never forced myself to go to class when I didn’t feel like I wanted to.)

I studied CPA reviewers for ObliCon and Sales. I skipped Family Relations, Property and Succession (and ended up not finishing the Civil Law coverage at all even during pre-week). By May, I had a copy of the RED BOOK already, and I had a fun time highlighting it. I didn’t read any law book reviewer, not a page of Jurado, Paras, etc. I stuck with codal provisions; I didn’t memorize them, just took them to heart.

I listened to taped lectures of Uribe, Lopez-Rosario and Albano.

For Remedial Law, I had to start from scratch in most aspects. I bought a new codal, which I had loads of fun highlighting and marking, as most concepts were new to me. J I read INIGO for Civil Procedure, Special Proceedings and Special Civil Actions. I incorporated my notes on Inigo into my Ateneo memory aid (which I used for pre-week). With deep gratitude to Sir Magi and Sir Gubat, I skipped studying for Evidence and Criminal Procedure, I just read the codal provisions. I studied instead for the special laws which were altogether alien to me – katarungang pambarangay, small claims, amparo, data, etc.

I listened to taped lectures of Riano, Salvador and Albano.

For Criminal Law, I didn’t attend review classes, because of sleeping pills lecturers and plain stupidity on my part. I was starting to feel the inadequacy of my brain, and I was starting to cram because almost every day was review class day. I listened to taped lectures instead. I read BOADO COMPACT for Criminal Law, and nothing else, not even a codal or a memory aid. I thank Sir Magi, Sir Balindong and the late Sir Barambangan for giving me enough knowledge to survive Criminal Law.

Tax was fun. I studied for Tax Law, CPA board review-style, and used CPA reviewers instead of law books. I supplemented with a Domondon (the examiner) Primus. I listened to a lot of Dimaampao and Sababan old lectures (because I listened to Sababan a lot, “p_tang ina”, his expression, became my silent expression as well for a while. Tsk.), and I supplemented with notes/transcriptions of Dimaampao and Sababan lectures that I found online. I made my own notes in Tax, the only “notes” that I made during review. I didn’t read any law book on Tax, and I didn’t use the codal either.

Of all the bar exam subjects last November, I found Tax the least burdensome, especially since some of the questions involved numbers. (That Sunday, while some of the MSUans had sad faces because of Tax, Rikki Sansarona, with a big smile on his face, said to me, “Malbod so Tax o?”. Indeed, Rikki Sansarona passed the Bar.)

For Legal Ethics, I read only the codal provisions.

For Labor Laws, I didn’t attend classes and I didn’t listen to taped lectures. I read Azucena, Chan notes (3 inches thick.. gosh), codal provisions and the Red Book. When the exam came, Labor Laws was the most damning to me. I cursed Labor Laws. I cursed the examiner. I will forever curse Labor Laws.

For Political Law, I read UP’s 2007 notes and the 1987 Constitution. I skipped studying for PIL (thanks to Sir Magi). I listened to taped Sandoval lectures (skipped PIL lectures, too). I read the RED NOTES (which contained recent cases).

I didn’t have any background on Legal Opinion Writing and Memorandum Writing, and yet I started to study/practice for such only during the last week of November, the pre-week. I placed a lot of trust on the 11 years that I spent in Dansalan College. J I read some samples, I drafted my formats, and made one practice product on each, the day before the last Sunday.

On the last Sunday, I brought sign pens, a ruler, a pencil and an eraser. Before doing the draft, I drew thin pencil lines marking the left and right margins of all the answer sheets. I hurriedly made my COMPLETE draft in the draft pad and reviewed it twice. I patiently and meticulously transferred my answer into the answer pad. I made sure that my bad handwriting looked big and clean enough. I had to make a half-page erasure on the last page of my Memorandum when I skipped a whole paragraph before the conclusion. I erased any mark of the penciled-in margins before I passed my answer pad.

When I went out of the exam room, I knew that my scores for the Legal Opinion and Memorandum Writing would make up for any mistakes that I made during the first 3 Sundays. I’d already instilled in my mind that the last Sunday subjects weighed 40% of the total score. Even if I’d flunked in Labor Laws (which I still feel I did), Labor Laws consisted only 6% of the total score, and the impact would not be that great.

On the way to the UST gate, a smiling SAUDI SULOG approached me, shook my hand and whispered in my ear, “CONGRATS, SIS! FEELING NAKO KAY MOPASAR TANG DUHA BA.” I raised my eyebrows and smiled.

If during the first 3 Sundays, I went out of the UST compound with a heavy heart (I cried when I heard about the leakage – and the fact that nobody handed me barops/leakage during the 4 Sundays – and the fact that some examinees said that they’d read/seen copies of the leakage – and the total unfairness of the whole procedure, that I’d studied my butt off, while others could possibly cheat their way in – I’d discovered some mistakes in my MCQ answers by then, too),

when I went out of the UST compound for the last time on the last Sunday, I had a smile on my face. I knew simple Math. I knew how to estimate my average. I knew that my average would reach the passing rate. I knew I had a chance. I simply knew. And I never doubted it, right until the day the results came out: 113. Analia Andam =)


A day before the results came out, my uncle, Nasser, called to congratulate me already, said that he knew I’d make it. My boss, Sec. Sampaco, called around 10 minutes before the results were out on TV, said that I made it, that her mom, in Manila, told her so. Papa’s blood pressure was high during the 2 days before the results. Mama kept herself busy the day the results were expected. The rest of the family literally jumped for joy when the results came out. My brother, Alex, cried after.

It was February 29, 2012, and I was in Cotabato City, when the results came out. I was crying when I called papa, mama, my brother and my sister. I was intermittently crying for 30 minutes. Then I couldn’t stop smiling, until I went to sleep that night.

Again, thank You, ya Allah, for fulfilling my dream. These, all, I did for and I dedicate to my family. I hope that this will make up for all the past hurt, mistakes and disappointment.


In conclusion:
  1. Know what type of Bar Exam you will be taking (MCQ, essay, memo writing, etc.) and do your research on how to tackle such type of exam. KNOW YOUR ENEMY AND KNOW HOW TO CONQUER IT.

  1. Pattern your review on your own strengths and weaknesses, and DO NOT COPY ANOTHER BAR REVIEWEE’S METHOD. Incorporate the same ideas but not the format of review. Know thyself.
  • Because I knew that my memory was very poor, I never bothered to memorize, not even a single provision. I would never be able to retain them until the Bar anyway. I read, understood and dug deeper into the concepts instead. I survived elementary, high school, 5 years in Civil Engineering and 4 years in law school by not memorizing, and I wasn’t about to create a new (and thus, unpredictable) me during review. I made the “Class Record” to guide my failing memory on where I started, where I stopped, where I needed to go back to, and what I needed to read and to read again.
    • The same method would be wasted on a person with a good memory.
  • Because I felt sleepy during class lectures (and tinatamad na rin), I chose to absent myself from review classes, and listened to taped lectures instead at the dorm. I was reviewing for the 2011 bar exam, but I was listening to old 2007 and 2010 lectures.
    • Such method may not fit and may even be detrimental to some.
  • Because I felt like I’d learned just enough in some subjects during law school, I skipped studying for some subjects (Criminal Law 1 and 2, Property, Succession, PIL, Evidence, etc.). I didn’t read book reviewers (Miravite, Jurado, Paras, Riano, etc.). I mainly used memory aids. I didn’t read ABQ either.
    • Such skipping may be detrimental to some. Choice of review materials should generally depend on the exam format.
  • Because I trusted my not-so-bad-English, I didn’t practice composition anymore. I didn’t do any studying for Legal Opinion and Memorandum Writing prior to the last week of November.
    • Such may not be good for some, as supplemental practice might be needed months before the exam.
  • Because I had a very bad handwriting, I spent lots of time improving it. I spent break time in review class by writing on a Grade 2 pad paper. I wasted lots of paper and ink.
    • But to someone who already had a good handwriting, such effort would not be needed.
  • Because I knew that MCQ could be correctly answered by elimination, I enhanced my logic. I played logic games when I could.
    • But to someone who could memorize a lot, such method would not be needed.
  • Because my ears were sensitive to noise, and I couldn’t study when there’s chatter, I used ear plugs a lot.
    • Such ear plugs would be ridiculous on someone who didn’t need them. Pick a suitable roommate.
  • Because I was a crammer, I studied during Saturdays prior to the exams. Some of the bar examinees rested their minds, some when out for the malls, but I didn’t. I felt like I needed to study more. I studied on the Sundays, too, right until the first bell rang.
    • My method might prove detrimental to others. Some might need to rest their brains before the exams.
  • Because I procrastinated a lot, I created a study schedule. I wasn’t able to follow the schedule most of the time, but the honest attempt was there.
    • To someone who was disciplined enough, such schedule would be pointless.
  • Because I was too emotional and I was nursing a broken heart, I wasted 4 months before I started my review. I needed to start a review with zero emotional baggage.
    • To someone else, such 4 months could have been put into better use by enrolling in advance review classes.

  1. PRAY.
  • Thank you, ukhtie Lilikan, for giving me a prayer garb or “mokna”, and for guiding me on praying, and for being a good roommate (along with Panky)
  • Thank you, Annie, honeyko i cashbond, for giving me the prayer carpet or “sambayanga” (and for being a good friend during the tough times before filing)

  1. CHILLAX. Watch movies. Go out. Laugh. It’s just an exam.
  • Thank you Malahh, Kranchee, Jeyhada, Nashro, Panky, Reyrey (thanx for being a good roommate), and the rest of the Residencia women for the laughter.